You might be thinking that the last place for real, personal improvement and self-help advice is a hookup site. But you would be absolutely wrong! In fact, the best hookup site that I ever joined, taught me quite a bit about myself. These are lessons that helped me tremendously in all areas of my life. I’m not just talking about the ability to pick up on women and fuck them. That’s just gravy. That’s just icing on the cake. I am talking something much deeper. I am talking about skills and mindsets that I needed to achieve better results at my business, at work, working with clients, working with other people in my life, and otherwise, enjoying a better life.
What the fuck am I talking about? Well, listen up! Most people are afraid. Most people don’t want to do the work that it takes to live the life that they feel that they deserve. You see how ridiculous that is?! People are always complaining that they’re not rich enough, they’re not good-looking enough, people don’t like them, people don’t want them, they’re not living the kind of life they should be living. They’re all bitching and moaning and bellyaching. But the problem is they don’t want to put in the work, They don’t want to confront the fear that’s holding them back from having a good time and living a life of victory.
The best lesson that I learned from the best hookup site that I joined is that there’s nothing to fear. So, what
‘s the worst thing that can happen if I reach out to thousands of women and none of them respond back to me? Nothing! Okay, I just wasted time but guess what, I can redeem that time by learning from it. Maybe I just got lazy and used the same template. Maybe I was approaching the wrong chicks. You see where I’m coming from?
Failure is an opportunity to achieve victory. And unfortunately, most people just think that they have to hit a homerun the first time they swing the bat that they completely missed this lesson. And that’s why they fail again and again and again. If you don’t want that to happen to you always understand that failure is an opportunity.
Success is awesome but you have to understand that success is often payed for in advance with struggle. Keep that in mind. There’s nothing wrong with struggling, there’s nothing wrong with trying and failing. As you’re learning, you’re getting one step closer to your ultimate goal.